
What is Mesotherapy? What is its Purpose?

Mesotherapy is a treatment method that offers benefits in various areas, from skin rejuvenation to improving hair health. The word mesotherapy is derived from the words meso (middle) and therapy (treatment) and refers to the treatment of the middle layer of the skin.

In this method, substances like amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and hormones are usually injected into the skin. The aim is to regulate blood and lymph circulation.
Mesotherapy treatment:
Is used to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin.
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles on the skin.
Is a beneficial solution for conditions like sagging skin and cellulite.
Is used for pain management.

Promotes the renewal of the skin, starting from the middle layers.

Can be used for targeted weight loss.
Is effective against hair loss.

What is a Mesotherapy Needle?

Mesotherapy treatment can be either with needles or without. In needle-based treatments, special needles are used for the injection process. Mesotherapy needles are chosen based on which part of the skin needs to be reached during the procedure.
You might wonder, “Will I experience pain during mesotherapy?” Before the needle-based mesotherapy procedure, a mild numbing cream is applied. Thus, there is no need to worry about discomfort from the fine needles. After the procedure, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

In needle-free mesotherapy treatments, devices that provide pressure are used to help the skin absorb beneficial substances.

How is Mesotherapy Performed?

Mesotherapy is a method with almost no side effects. The application process of mesotherapy, which rejuvenates the skin, eliminates wrinkles, and helps you get rid of skin blemishes, is as follows:
A substance mixture, specifically tailored to your needs, is prepared before the treatment.
The area to be treated is cleaned, and if a needle-based treatment is chosen, a numbing cream is applied.
The substance mixture is then injected into the middle layer of the skin.

Is Mesotherapy Effective on Hair?

Mesotherapy is a treatment method that can be applied to the scalp. It is suitable for individuals with problems such as hair loss, dullness, and lifelessness.

Especially after hair transplantation, the mesotherapy method can be applied to the scalp four times, with three months in between each session. This stimulates the hair follicles and increases blood circulation in the area.

Mesotherapy Treatment at Bircan Clinic

The most crucial point in mesotherapy is the stage of preparing a personalised mixture by experts. Bircan Clinic, with its expert team, specialises in both skin rejuvenation and hair care. We analyse your needs and desires and offer you a personalised mesotherapy treatment. If you are looking for a reliable, healthy, and effective treatment, we invite you to the Bircan Clinic.

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